Guidelines for Authors  


I. General Manuscript Template:

  • The papers should be printed in MS Word, the font type for the English language is Times New Roman font size 12 points, and font type for the Arabic language is Simplified Arabic font size 12 points.
  • The maximum number of pages for the research paper should not exceed 12 pages.
  • The research papers should be printed out on A4 papers with 2 cm margins on the sides of the papers, lines in the papers should be single- spaced with no more than 48 lines and the same is true for the pages with figures and tables.
  • Figures and images must be put within the content of the paper with the detailed information for each figure or image and they must be included in an A4 papers and preferably minimized to the half or less with  the meter specified and the zoom size indicated for the images of the slices under the microscope, as for tables and bigger figures, they should be put at the end of the research.


II. Organization of Manuscript

1- Title:   The first letter of each word should be capitalized except  the prepositions, articles and the like must be small letters,  and the name of the researcher or researchers with their academic status. The title of the paper should be written in size 14 bold font followed by the name(s) of  the researcher(s) with their e-mails and their addresses in English and Arabic languages with an asterisk on the name of the correspondent researcher written in font (12) bold.

2- Abstract: not more than 150-250 words for English and Arabic manuscripts.

3- Keywords.

4- Introduction.

5- Materials and methodology.

6- Results and discussions.

7- Conclusions.

8- Acknowledgements (if any).

9- References


III. Notes should authors pay attention to them

1- For the papers in  the English language, the abstract and the title of the paper, and the keywords must be at the end of the paper after the references, the same thing is applied for the paper in Arabic language. 

2- If the paper includes analysis or tests, the researcher is required to include the type of the device used.

3- The citation of references in context should be (author’s surname, year of publishing) if there are two authors, their names should be separated with  and,  if more than that, then the surname of the first author followed by et al, which must be italicized.

4- References must be organized alphabetically for the surname of the authors. All references must be included without numbers, the year of publication between two brackets; the names of authors should be separated by semicolon (;). The word (and) should never be used with the names of the authors no matter how many they are.

5- The name of the journal should be written in italics and in brief, followed by the number of the volume written in bold and put between two brackets with the number of the pages.

6- The title of the book reference must be put between two quotations “ “, the first letter of each word should be capitalized except for prepositions and the like, the number of editions (if not the first), the name of the publisher, place of publishing, and the year of publishing (put at the beginning after the name(s) of  the author(s), the number of the pages used from the book.


 IV. Reference Style Examples

1- Article in Journal

Brown, J.T.; Smith, L. G. (1999). The activity of Peroxidase. Raf. J. Sci., 12 (2), 30-40

2- Book

Christian, G.D. (2004). “Analytical Chemistry”. 6th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 70-80.

 Also the authors must include two refs. published in Rafidian Journal of Science  and also two refs. published in Scopus 

 Also  the authors must included the DOI for each refernce